Brief Educational Model Overview:
Legacy Christian Academy is committed to assisting the Christian parent in educating the next generation from a Biblical worldview in order to grow them into lifelong followers of Christ.
We offer:
Kindergarten Program:
Monday - Thursday: 8:15 to 1:15 pm and Friday: 8:15 to 12:00
1st-8th Grade Program:
Monday - Thursday: 8:15 to 2:45 and Friday: 8:15 to 12:00​
The 4 full-day program (Monday - Thursday) will consist of a high quality curriculum based on a Biblical Worldview, excellent Christian teachers, discipleship time, and engaging enrichment classes.
The Friday half day will consist of our school chapel and worship time, discipleship groups, hands on learning, community discovery, and outreach field trips.
The curriculum we have chosen for all subjects is BJU Press. We will be teaching Bible, Language Arts (reading, writing, grammar, spelling, phonics, vocabulary, literature), Mathematics, Handwriting, Science and Heritage Studies during our K-8 core curriculum program. All of the subject matter is written from the Biblical worldview perspective. You can find more information about BJU Press here.
Enrichment Program:
Our enrichment classes will be taught by Christian instructors, driven by the interests and talents of our school community and will include classes such as music, art, P.E., robotics, AG in the classroom, beginning worship band, culinary arts musical theater, etc..
Enrichment Classes are offered quarterly, 2 days a week, Tuesdays and/or Thursdays and are included in our program for full-time enrolled students (1st-8th Grade). In addition, depending on resources and space, a variety of enrichment classes are available as a support to Homeschool families in our community.
Please check back regularly as we update this information! We are so excited to advance God's Kingdom by growing young disciples, spreading God's truth and strengthening families in Carson City & surrounding communities!