Partnering with other Biblical Worldview centered organizations and supporters

Our Vision
To transform our culture by giving millions of children a biblical worldview
Our Mission
To inspire & equip the family, church,
and school to give children a
biblical worldview
The Association of Christian Teachers and Schools is a non-profit organization that strives to set new standards of Christ-centered academic excellence while assisting Christian schools to realize the highest level of educational credibility.
We are passionately committed to a Biblical Worldview that is consistent with God's Word, building partnerships with Christian schools, and serving current and prospective members with resources, consulting, advice, and mentoring.

The Focus on the Family Mission
To cooperate with the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide.

BJU Vision: To empower Christian educators to have an impact on the world for Christ.
BJU Mission: To produce Christian educational materials with academic excellence from a biblical worldview.
"Because of our commitment to Christian education, BJU Press produces textbooks and materials that support Christian educators in the crucial role they play in teaching students. We shape each textbook according to our core values." ~BJU Press

Why choose a Christian School? It’s a question every Christian parent should be willing to ask… and prepared to give a considered answer. This website and videos are designed to help you consider your own beliefs on the role of both education and schools.